Young researchers at the Institute Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant

November 22, a day dedicated to young researchers at the Institute Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant

On November 22, the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) du Cerveau de l'Enfant will welcome young researchers from the institute's founding institutions (AP-HP, INSERM, Institut Pasteur, CEA, Université Paris-Cité) for an exceptional day of meetings and exchanges. The aim of the day is to mobilize tomorrow's talent and strengthen collaborations between the research teams and young scientists.

The day will begin with a presentation of the Instutute's missions and vision by Ghislaine Dehaene, Scientific Director, and Marianne Perreau-Saussine, Executive Director. Confirmed researchers will then open the ball with six presentations on the themes of neurodevelopmental disorders, ranging from the importance of rare diseases to the effects of fetal neurodevelopment on cognitive neurodevelopment, and the role of brain-immune system interactions in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Younger researchers will then take up the challenge of presenting their projects in three minutes, on innovative themes such as risk factors and resilience influencing children's mental health and well-being, neurocognitive development trajectories from prenatal inflammation to prematurity, and the contribution of genetics to neurodevelopmental disorders. To round off the morning, a round table discussion will be organized, giving the floor to those concerned (young adults and adolescents) who will share their perspectives on their journeys, as well as their expectations of the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant. These exchanges will contribute to enriching the debates by bringing their perspective as patients to the audience of scientists. For example: their experiences show that many professionals are not trained to detect and support autistic people. What avenues could be explored to understand these shortcomings? What is the place of ethnopsychiatry? Is it necessary to train all those involved, even those who are not caregivers? How should the future IHU facility be designed?

The afternoon will be devoted to group work on four main themes: prevention, therapy, digital and cohort. The main aim of these workshops is to enable the different teams at the Institute to get to know each other and work together, as well as to reflect on future calls for projects. The meeting will conclude with a presentation by the architects behind the future building of the Institute (AIA Life Designers).

A convivial moment will bring the scientific day to a close, to encourage interaction and discussion... this day is a new stage, intended to reflect the image of our institute: interdisciplinary, participative and open to future generations.

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BPCE launches its first "Social Bond" with a sharing coupon to benefit the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant