
Platforms - Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant

The child's brain is an extremely complex and unique organ. To understand how it works, it is crucial to gather data at every level of organization (molecular, cellular, neuronal) and at every stage of development.

The Institut du Cerveau de l'Enfant provides its research teams and the scientific community with the tools and organizational support they need to achieve these ambitious goals via a variety of platforms.

This state-of-the-art equipment plays a decisive role in the advancement of knowledge. Some of these platforms already exist at Robert-Debré Hospital and its partners, while others will be developed in the new building.

Clinical research platforms at Robert-Debré Hospital

Clinical Research Units (URC)

Managers: Pr Xavier Duval - Dr Sophie Guilmin-Crepon
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website

Clinical Investigation Center (CIC P 1426)

Head of Department: Pr Florentia Kaguelidou
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website

Biological Resources Platform (PRB)

Coordinators: Pr Nicolas de Roux, Dr Suzanne Kuzbari


Department Head: Dr Julie Rupret-Serzec
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website

Future platforms

We are working on setting up several platforms, in particular dedicated to :

Understanding the diversity of neural and cognitive development
7T MRI for children, CEA Neurospin imaging platform
Improving support and the development trajectory of each child
Medical imaging platform (3T MRI) and cognitive testing platform (behavior and imaging)
Digital platform of tests and questionnaires for children and families
Structuring the database and developing predictive models of neurodevelopmental trajectories
Addition of children's sub-platforms to previous platforms

Pre-clinical research platforms

Human induced pluripotent stem cell platforms, 2D neuronal models and 3D brain organoids

HumBO (Inserm NeuroDiderot / UPCité)

Manager : Dr Vincent El Ghouzzi
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website


Scientific managers: Dr Valérie Mezger, Dr Valérie Doye, Dr Vanessa Ribes
Platform managers: Sandrine Adiba, Dr Kamal Bouhali

Platform page on the Grand Moulins website

iSTEM (Evry)

Manager: Dr Alexandra Benchoua

Platform website

Neuroinflammation platform (Inserm NeuroDiderot/UPCité) :

Manager: Dr Juliette Van Steenwinckel
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website

NemoClinics platform (Inserm NeuroDiderot/UPCité): phenotyping of mouse models:

Manager: Boris Matrot
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website

DHIM platform (Inserm NeuroDiderot/UPCité): Microsocopy of the developing brain:

Supervisors: Dr Zsolt Csaba and Amélia Maidani
Platform page on the Hôpital Robert-Debré website

Immunology/metabolism platform (Inserm NeuroDiderot / UPCité) :

Manager: Mireille Laforge


Partner platforms

Identifying mechanisms of neurodevelopmental vulnerability

INSERM U1141/UPCité: Human Brain Organoid Platform HUMBO
Inflammation Platform, CEA CNRGH platform
Institut Pasteur/UPCité: Imaging platform,
Immunology platform
CNRS/UPCité: Stem Cells in neurodevelopment

Understanding the diversity of neural and cognitive development

CEA/NEUROSPIN imaging platform (human and animal)

Improving support and the development trajectory of each child

AP-HP / UPCité
Pediatric Clinical Research Platform (protocol / fast track)
Pediatric Clinical Investigation Platform
Pediatric Pharmacology Platform (pharmacy)
Pediatric Medical Imaging PlatformIHU (pediatric MRI3T research)
Physiology platform IHU (high-resolution EEG, DBS)
Biomarkers platform (bio bank with chromatography / biomarker validation)
Gait platform (movement exploration)
Sensory platform (ENT and ophthalmology)
Child cognitive platform (psy, neuro)

Structuring the database and developing predictive models of neurodevelopmental trajectories

CEA/DRF/N4HCLOUD digital platform
Data processing platform CEA/CATIme Inflammation
Institut Pasteur IT department