IHU - Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant

What is an IHU?

The IHU (University Hospital Institutes) are places of scientific and medical excellence for inventing tomorrow's medicine, future treatments and new practices.

Within a University Hospital, each IHU brings together teams of researchers, caregivers and companies around a unique clinical theme (infectious diseases, rare diseases, nervous system diseases, etc.).

Each IHU is built on 4 pillars:

Industrial valorization

The role of IHUs

The aim of IHUs is to foster the development of translational research that directly benefits patients.

They enable us to concentrate all our strengths around a single theme and bring them together on a single site to promote developments in the field of medical research - in our case, the child's brain.

The genesis

The Instituts hospitalo-universitaires (IHU) were born out of the reflection on the CHU (University Hospitals), on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the decree of December 30, 1958 which established the latter.

Initially recommended by the Commission on the Future of University Hospitals in 2010, chaired by Professor Marescaux, the creation of IHUs was intended to "breathe new life into biomedical research in France, particularly translational research and the upstream research that enriches it".

The aim of these structures is to:

- provide France with centers of excellence on par with the best international institutions in terms of research, care and training

- stimulate long-term competitiveness in France by promoting the development of the biomedical industrial sector (raising the profile of this sector, irrigating its economic fabric, evolving mindsets to encourage partnerships, particularly between the public and private sectors)

- boost research beyond the perimeter of IHUs by encouraging research efforts to be structured around these emblematic centers

A first wave

A first call for projects, organized by the ANR (French National Research Agency) as part of the first Future Investments Program (PIA 1), resulted in the emergence of six IHUs, which were allocated 349.3 million euros for an 8-year period. In 2017, as part of PIA 3, a second call for projects resulted in the selection of a 7th IHU, allocated 50 million euros over 10 years.

In less than 10 years, IHUs have achieved concrete results: more than 320 patents filed, 18,000 scientific publications, 1,000 new clinical trials, 45 start-ups created, more than 600 million euros in co-financing raised and induced economic development in excess of 1 billion euros, while State investments represent 277 million euros, i.e. a leverage effect of 5 to 7.

CreationAcronymDomainsLocationFounding members
2010-2011ImagineGenetic and rare diseasesParisUniversités Paris Cité, Inserm, Necker University Hospital (AP-HP), Mairie de Paris, Fondation des Hôpitaux, AFM-Téléthon
Mix SurgImage-guided minimally invasive surgeryStrasbourgUniversité de Strasbourg, Inria, Ircad, Strasbourg University Hospital, Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer, Karl Storz, Crédit Mutuel
Mediterranean InfectionInfectious diseasesMarseilleAix-Marseille University, la Timone University Hospital (AP-HM), Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), Centre de santé des armées, Institut Mérieux, Établissement français du sang (EFS)
ICANCardiometabolic diseases and nutritionParisSorbonne University, Inserm, Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital (AP-HP)
IHU-A-ICMNervous system diseases and neuroscienceParisSorbonne University, Inserm, CNRS, Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital (AP-HP)
LirycRhythmology and cardiac modelingBordeauxUniversity of Bordeaux, Inserm, Inria, CNRS, Bordeaux University Hospital
2018FOReSIGHTOphthalmology and vision neuroscienceParisInstitut de la Vision, Inserm, Sorbonne University and Centre Hospitalier des Quinze-Vingts

To find out more about the IHU network in France: https://www.ihu-france.org/fr/

A second wave

In May 2023, the French President announced the creation of 12 new University Hospital Institutes (IHUs) as part of the France Santé 2030 plan.

The IHU network has become a major player in hospital and university research, thanks to its scientific excellence and its attractiveness for competitive research funding. It is also a key partner for industrial companies involved in healthcare innovation.

In 2023, The Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant won the France 2030 call for projects, with a budget of €20 million. The new IHU prizewinners, including the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l'Enfant, are the following:

In May 2023, the French President announced the creation of 12 new University Hospital Institutes (IHUs) as part of the France Santé 2030 plan.

The IHU network has become a major player in hospital and university research, thanks to its scientific excellence and its attractiveness for competitive research funding. It is also a key partner for industrial companies involved in healthcare innovation.

In 2023, the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant won the France 2030 call for projects, with a budget of €20 million.

France 2030
VBHIBordeauxCerebrovascular diseasesA University Hospital Institute
PrismVillejuifOncologyA University Hospital Institute
re-ConnectParisHearing disordersA University Hospital Institute
PrometheusGarchesSepsisA University Hospital Institute
Thema-2ParisHematologyA University Hospital Institute
Women's cancersParisGynecological cancersA University Hospital Institute
EverestLyonLiver diseasesA University Hospital Institute
RespirERANiceRespiratory pathologiesA University Hospital Institute
IMMUN4CUREMontpellierImmunotherapiesA University Hospital Institute
InovANDParisPediatric neurodevelopmentA University Hospital Institute
HealthAgeToulouseGerontology and agingUpcoming IHU
InfinyNancyInflammatory bowel diseasesUpcoming IHU