Patrons, donors, philanthropists!

Faced with the major challenges facing our society, companies and foundations have an essential role to play.

We want to build tailor-made partnerships that meet both our priority needs and your objectives (social commitment, structural cohesion, internal/external communication and mobilization, CSR).

Each partner is unique, and we are committed to ensuring that this partnership meets your expectations (financial sponsorship, sponsorship, skills sponsorship, in-kind donations, employee mobilization, social innovation) and is faithful to your values.

Become a patron - Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant
of French people rank a company's social commitment as a priority criterion for career choice

Ekodev CSR Barometer, Des enjeux et des hommes - Occurrence, November 2017

A tailor-made sponsorship project

Whether your company wishes to support existing projects or co-construct new solutions, the key to success lies in our shared ambition to guarantee better health for all children.

This entirely personalized approach enables you to structure your project by identifying the projects you wish to prioritize. It also enables you to evaluate the different forms of support available.

Our commitment

We are committed to sharing with you the follow-up and results of the projects we support. This information can also be shared during dedicated meetings with team members.

Program visits and hospital conferences are also possible. All these encounters are privileged moments during which you can measure the impact of your support.

We are committed to making your philanthropic endeavours a reality through personalized support.

Your contact :

Zoé Froget
or call 06 13 27 09 25

How to become a patron

There are several ways to become a patron of the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant:

Financial support

Financial sponsorship is the form of support that enables us to achieve our objectives most quickly.

Patronage is similar to a donation (law of August 1, 2003), for which we issue a receipt in full discharge of the amount of the donation or the book value in stock (goods), or the market value (equipment) or the cost price (service) via the APHP Foundation. Your company benefits from a tax reduction of 60% of this amount, up to a limit of €20,000 or 5‰ of the company's sales excluding VAT, whichever is higher. If this limit is exceeded, the law provides for a deferral of the tax reduction until the 5 financial years following the donation.

Pooling donations enables us to act where the Institute's needs are greatest. However, as part of a strategic collaboration with a partner company or foundation, it is possible to earmark the financial contribution for a specific project. We look forward to hearing from you!

Skills sponsorship

The company makes employees available during their working hours to carry out actions that may or may not involve the skills specifically exercised within their company.

The tax deduction will be 60% of salaries (including charges) in proportion to hours worked, up to a maximum of 0.5% of annual sales excluding VAT. If this ceiling is exceeded, the excess can be carried forward for 5 financial years.

Donations in kind

Your company can choose to make a donation in kind (material or otherwise), which may be eligible for tax relief. Contact us for details.

The pioneers

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all the donors and companies who have shown their trust and support since the beginning of this adventure. Thank you so much for your support, in particular :

SNCF Group

An innovative partnership between the SNCF Group and Natixis CIB for the purchase of medical equipment


An innovative partnership between Natixis CIB and the SNCF Group for the purchase of medical equipment

Sisley Foundation

Support from Fondation Sisley-d'Ornano enables the development of the information website

Kepler Cheuvreux

Kepler Chevreux's support will enable the acquisition of a complete high-resolution temporo-spatial electroencephalographic recording system.

Fondation Grandir

Support from Fondation Grandir enables the development of the information website

Skills sponsorship

TBWA Adelphi

The TBWA / Adelphi medical communications agency produced the logo and graphic charter for the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant.

Egon Zehnder

Egon Zehnder provides us with the benefit of its expertise in recruiting for certain key positions at the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant.

Latham & Watkins

The Parisian law firm of Latham & Watkins supports the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant with a wide range of advice, notably on its governance and the definition of its legal structure.


Redpill advises and assists the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant in defining its brand and sponsorship strategy.