Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant - Architectural competition for the future building

June 20, 2024: institutional launch day of the Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant

Thursday June 20, 2024 marks the institutional launch of the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant.

The Institut Robert-Debré du Cerveau de l’Enfant was announced by the government on May 16, 2023 as part of the "Innovation Santé 2030" plan. It is one of 12 new programs of excellence supported to accelerate healthcare research and innovation.

The Institute's launch day will welcome researchers and project collaborators with several highlights:

An introduction by Ghislaine Dehaene, Director of the IHU
A presentation by Etienne Pot, Interministerial Delegate for the National Strategy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
The founders will answer questions at a round-table discussion
The child's patient journey at the Institute will be showcased through several scientific presentations.
Finally, Adrien Taquet, former Secretary of State for Children and Families, will present his conclusions.

This innovative project would not have been possible without the financial support of the French government and the Agence Nationale de Recherche. We look forward to embarking on this new adventure with all our partners.

We look forward to seeing you in March 2025 for the grand opening!

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